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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another Day, Another Post

So the blog isn't perfect just yet, but it's getting there. It's a work in progress. Give me a break, seriously. These things take time. I got those fancy social media icons, didn't I?
The Pharmacy in Question
Anyways, just thought that today I might like to write about my new workplace. It's call the Chandler Retail Pharmacy and it's part of the University of Kentucky Hospital in Pavilion A (that's right, the new fancy hospital building). I have to say, albeit some drama, it's a ridiculously nice place to work. Everyone that I work with is extremely positive about the workplace and my performance there. I have to say, it makes going into work every day an absolute joy. I mean, I still have to pay to park at my workplace, which is strange, but whatever. It's about equivalent to paying union dues elsewhere, so it all works out in the end.

Recently, I've gotten two super-specific compliments that honestly got me a little misty-eyed. A pharmacist that I work with today told a story about a gentleman that every day reminded her to "Set a good example today." Apparently, I do this every day. I didn't know what to say. Last week, an upper management pharmacist said that she loved talking to me on the phone because I always sounded like I was happy to be there.

While I've not always lived up to expectations set for me or that I have set for myself, it sincerely brings joy to my heart to receive this level of praise. I've always prided myself on my friendliness and work ethic, and it absolutely delights me to be congratulated for my efforts.

Although I must say that working in a positive work environment makes having work ethic and positively a lot more possible than not.

Anyways, that's all for now. Maybe I'll post photos later. Yeah. Photos.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rebirth of a Blog

Beverage Fiend is coming back, but it's going to be a more random blog than previous. Possibly some beverage reviews, maybe some candy reviews, and probably some generic rantings and ponderings on life. Maybe some puppy pics here and there. We shall see.

Words to Live By

If you can't be good, be careful.

Obligatory Mascot

Zoidberg photo WhyNotZoidberg_zpsef92297d.jpg

Tally Ho!

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